I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples. For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.
Psalm 57:9-11 (NIV)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Importance of Journaling

Every so often, I flip through old journals, skimming over past events, prayers, thoughts, and reflections that were captured in a flurry of pencil strokes.  Tonight was one of those times.  I dug out my journal from 2009/2010 and as I was scanning the pages, one particular entry caught my attention.  A poem of sorts written in the early morning dawn illustrated my thoughts as I savored a quiet moment with my Lord.  What I love about this entry is that it's raw and full of emotion; it takes me back to that place in time and I can relive the feelings that washed over me that day.  That's why journaling is important.  When I write I document my walk with Jesus:  the prayers, the joys, the tears, the reflections, the questions, memories, and the whispers of God as He speaks to my heart.  I write to process.  I write to treasure.  I write to savor.  I write to remember.  I write so that I can look back two years later and worship.

August 28, 2010

The morning sun is waking slowly, brushing the sleep from his eyes and stretching his sparkling rays. The breeze is calm, not all together motionless, but very gently rustling the vivid green leaves - leaves that will soon be shedding their summer skin for a golden, autumnal coat.  The sky is cloudless, a perfect crystal blue.  The finches have chased away the clouds with their morning song, harkening a beautiful day forward out of the night.  Just as nature wakes and shakes off the morning dew, I too rise from my bed, and taking up my pen, I write.  In the midst of life, busy and bustling, God rains peace on my life like a stream of cool, flowing water.  He is my tree and I rest in his shade as I sit on the dewy grass... 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Seeing and Savoring

“Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world.” —John 17:24

During the Christmas season, I took some time to read John Piper’s Advent devotional, Good News of Great Joy:  Daily Readings for Advent, which is available for free online at http://www.desiringgod.org.  In the introduction chapter, Piper bases his discussion on John 17:24 and points out that Jesus is praying for all believers—for us!—so that our deepest longings might be fully satisfied in the Father (v).  Piper asserts that “what Jesus wants for Christmas is for us to experience what we were really made for—seeing and savoring his glory” (v). 

Oftentimes we notice the glory of God displayed in big ways, such as through a painted sunset over the glimmering ocean or through a miraculous healing from terminal cancer, but how often on a daily basis do we miss many still, small moments to see the glory of our Lord?  The glory of God fills the earth, but how often are we too busy or distracted to really see it and respond in constant, joyful praise as we should?  When we truly see and experience the glory of Jesus, we are moved to worship as we savor His glory.  As Leslie Ludy once said, “daily life is bursting with opportunities… to create, to sing, to dance, to worship, to serve, to laugh, and to learn.”  When we come face-to-face with a loving, just, righteous, perfect, Holy God, the response of our hearts should be to bow in adoring worship before the throne of God.  Savoring the glory of our Father every minute of every day leads to an eternity of delighting, loving, treasuring, and abiding in Christ.  It is my hope and prayer that we might truly see and savor the glory of our Lord throughout the year, remembering that Christ was born in a manger to die on a cross so that we, undeserving sinners, might be heirs to righteousness and thereby enter into eternal fellowship with the Most High. What joy, what grace, what love.  Oh what a Savior! 

Friday, December 14, 2012

Hope In Tragedy

My heart is so heavy with the news of the horrific Connecticut school shooting.  Though tragic and terrible, there is peace in knowing that God welcomed so many precious little ones into his arms today. "Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these'" (Matthew 19:14).  I can only imagine the joy on their sweet faces as the children ran into the arms of Jesus... 

Will you join me in praying for the families of the precious ones as they grieve and experience this unimaginable loss.  Pray also that many would seek the face of God in the midst of tragedy, for He is our only hope and salvation. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Waiting Expectantly

“He told them, ‘This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.’ When he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed them. While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven. Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God.” 

God recently reminded me of this scene in Luke 24 in which Jesus appears to his disciples after defeating sin and death by triumphantly rising from the grave.  In this passage, Jesus astounds the disciples by proving that He is not a ghost, but is in fact the risen Lord in flesh and bones – alive and eating broiled fish!  Amazed and joyous, the disciples must have hung on every word Jesus spoke as He commissioned them as witnesses to the nations and promised the sending of the Holy Spirit.  Matthew 28 records the Great Commission in which “Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’”

Take a moment to imagine how the disciples must have felt.  First, Jesus appeared to them after being brutally crucified in public and laid lifeless in a tomb.  Then, after rising from the grave, He proceeds to eat broiled fish and prove that He is not a ghost.  Next Jesus points out that these events were all part of God’s divine plan and opens the disciples' minds so that they can understand the Scriptures.  Finally, He gives them the biggest job assignment ever: go to all people and proclaim the good news of salvation.  And, by the way, Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit, who will go with them and empower them to fulfill this monumental task. 

I imagine that by this point in the story the disciples are pretty excited.  Risen Lord! Alive! Eyes opened! God’s plan for salvation! Go to all the nations!

But Jesus said to wait.  Yes – after all of that, He told them to wait.   

There they sat, stunned and in awe of Jesus, ready and willing to go… and they were just supposed to wait?  That's right.  The disciples were to wait for the Holy Spirit to anoint the perfect moment to go and spread the gospel to all people, tribes, and tongues.  According to Luke, they waited in a posture of continual worship, with a song in their hearts and praise on their lips.  They waited purposefully and with anticipation of the great things God would do through them for the building of His Kingdom. 

As Christians, we have all heard the call of the Great Commission.  Jesus’s words ring ever clear in our minds as we long to see the joy of Christ spread to all people.  It is the desire of our hearts to bear fruit for the glory of God and be a light in the darkness.  Jesus desires that all would know of His love and sacrifice, and that all would enter into the gift of eternal salvation He accomplished by dying in our place on the cross.  It is by confessing that He is Lord and giving our lives to God that we are saved.  We are the messengers of this great news!  We have been appointed! 

Do you ever find yourself in the same situation as the disciples?  I sure do.  Have you heard the call to “go” but are now in a season of waiting?  This passage is such encouragement to my soul as I relate to and learn from the experience the disciples had that day.  It is a joy to know that God has called me to be His child and has commissioned me to glorify His name by bringing others into the Kingdom.  Sometimes waiting on the Holy Spirit’s perfect timing to “go” is difficult – especially when you happen to a "Type A” girl who always has a plan... and a back-up plan.  However, God has shown me through this passage and my own experience that there is so much to be gained from a season of waiting.  What a sweet time to savor and treasure the Lord as I abide in His love!  I am thankful for opportunities to grow, to learn, to disciple and be discipled.  I am thankful that God has a plan for my life, and that He has given me the opportunity to wait in faith on His perfect timing. 

As Charles Spurgeon said in his sermon titled The Filling ofEmpty Vessels, “Waiting in faith is a high form of worship which in some respects excels the adoration of the shining ones above.”  Did you catch that?   Waiting is worship that outshines the stars that twinkle like fireflies dancing across the night sky.  May we wait in humble expectation of all that God has prepared for us, knowing that His plan will be perfected in and through us at just the right moment.  Worship as you wait.  Serve as you wait.  Love as you wait. Abide as you wait.  And when the time comes, may you boldly step out in faith and fulfill your high calling for the glory of God.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Practicing Self-Forgetfulness

Tonight I read a short book by Timothy Keller titled The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness, which teaches about gospel-humility by examining the life, work, and writings of the Apostle Paul.   Here is my favorite passage from the book:

“The thing we would remember from meeting a truly gospel-humble person is how much they seemed to be totally interested in us. Because the essence of gospel-humility is not thinking more of myself or thinking less of myself, it is thinking of myself less… True gospel-humility means I stop connecting every experience, every conversation, with myself. In fact, I stop thinking about myself. The freedom of self-forgetfulness. The blessed rest that only self-forgetfulness brings.”

Keller notes that modern society promotes high self-esteem as the cure to all evils, resulting in self-worth that is based on how well we perform in life's daily "courtroom" rather than in the truth of the gospel.  We know that when Christ died, he paid the debt for our sin, bestowing His righteousness upon us.  No longer are we bound to the expectations that the world - and ourselves! - places upon us.  At the end of the day, it's not our successes and failures that matter;  it's the joy we get from resting in the love, forgiveness, mercy, and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, knowing that on the cross He accomplished everything necessary for salvation.  

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” – Romans 2:8-10

[Keller's The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness is available on Amazon as a Kindle download for just $0.99!]

Friday, November 30, 2012

A Prayer for Today

Shelly Moore Band, "Scratch"

I’m just a scratch on this line
Such a vapor of time
How can I think it's all mine
Or just for me 
A fleeting thing

My soul cannot rest here 
There is always something more 
That I'm striving for 
Round and round again in this so called circle of life
But it's never the same
So is it a circle or a line

Father, help me wait for my full reward
Remind my soul that it's not here
Father, help me wait for my full reward
Remind my soul that it's not here

So what should be my delight?
They tell me to buy to satisfy what I need
They've got me feeling alone, like this world is my home
When the most costly has been given for free 

There will come a day
When you will say well done
There will come a day
When you will say well done good and faithful one

And, check out Shelly's new CD, Unraveling.  

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Prayer and the Heartbeat of God

"Prayer brings our heartbeat in tune with God’s own. In prayer, we come to God in worship. During times of praise and adoration, we are keenly aware of who He is, what He has done, and what His Word teaches us. This love for God leads us to contemplate His perfection and holiness." 
- Michael Sills, The Missionary Call (2008)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Something to Think About

"Many Christians are aware of the billions who have never heard the gospel and those among them who die without Christ every day. This concern is a constant burden in their lives. Like a stone in their shoe, it is ever on their minds no matter where they go or what they do. Their hearts reverberate with the cries of those who are being born into, live in, and die in darkness. They are concerned for the young girls whose parents sell them into sexual slavery to provide for the family. They are concerned for the millions of street children and their hopeless existence. Most of all, they are concerned for the glory of God. Their concern makes them wonder how they can live a holy life in faithfulness to God’s commands if they do not live in reckless abandon and radical fulfillment of the Great Commandments and the Great Commission." 
-Michael Sills, The Missionary Call (2008)

Friday, November 23, 2012


When I was on vacation in Florida, one of my favorite things to do was stake out the perfect sunset-watching spot on the beach gazebo.  I'd show up at 2:00 or 2:30 with a cup of my favorite tea and a book so that I could enjoy the afternoon while waiting for the sun to sink down on the horizon.  What a wonderful way to spend the afternoon!  This particular photo looks like my mental image of the day Jesus will return for us - except, instead of the sun's rays of light, Jesus will be the one radiating in glory.  Do you see it, too?  I thought you might :) 

Holy Holy Holy
is the Lord our God
Mighty King of Glory,
You have rescued us
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
You are the God of our salvation
You have conquered
You have risen
You are the God of our salvation

-Phil Wickham, God of our Salvation

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

In the Garden

He speaks, and the sound of His voice,
Is so sweet the birds hush their singing,
And the melody that He gave to me
Within my heart is ringing.

"In the Garden" by C. Austin Miles, 1912

These are a few pictures that I took at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens,
 one of my favorite spots in the Triangle. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Crisp leaves in amber hues, hot apple cider, crackling fires, golden sunsets, cozy blankets, fuzzy sweaters and warm scarves... I love autumn.  Here are some pictures I've snapped in the last few days - beautiful, right?

Nature's first green is gold, 
Her hardest hue to hold. 
Her early leaf's a flower; 
But only so an hour. 
Then leaf subsides to leaf. 
So Eden sank to grief, 
So dawn goes down to day. 
Nothing gold can stay. 

Robert Frost, Nothing Gold Can Stay, 1923

Friday, September 14, 2012

Sacred Moments

“Those who excel at the art of sacred living know how to savor the romance of life, the beautiful joy and simplicity of knowing Him, and walking in His presence.  It doesn’t happen by adopting a self-focused, pleasure-seeking attitude, but by learning how to cherish and value the opportunities that God gives us each day.  Daily life is bursting with opportunities to enjoy his amazing creation; opportunities to cultivate relationships with family and friends; opportunities to build God’s kingdom; opportunities to create, to sing, to dance, to worship, to serve, to laugh, and to learn.  Are we letting those sacred moments pass us by?  If so, it’s time to return to the peaceful, still waters and green pastures of daily intimacy with our King.  No other lifestyle compares to one lived in His presence!” 
– Leslie Ludy, “The Art of Sacred Living,” setapartgirl Magazine, Sept/Oct 2012, p. 78

[A note about the picture:  I copied this picture from p. 79 of  setapartgirl Magazine, the Sept/Oct 2012 edition, and attribute all photo rights and credit to the magazine.]

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Happy Place

I'm so thankful that God gives me moments like these when I can feel His presence all around.  
As the warm beams from the morning sun danced on the tranquil sea, I knew that He was providing me with a moment of peace in his company where I could rest and talk with my Savior.  

The beach - especially at sunrise - is my happy place.  The quiet of the morning is interrupted only by the pitter patter of sand pipers scurrying along the shoreline as brilliant shades of pink, red, and orange paint across the sleepy sky.  Buried shells and sea glass sparkle like gems in the soft sand, and the salty ocean breeze awakens the day to life with its sweet fragrance. What better place to commune with the Most High? 

Buying a House in Crazy Town

This morning as I was driving to work, I took a few minutes to reflect on the last few weeks.  Life has been insanely busy now that the students are back on campus and our office is gearing up for an eventful fall.  There are some days when I am pretty sure I just don't sit still... which on one hand is really nice, but on the other hand can result in one tired Morgan by the end of the day.  It feels as if I've bought a house in Crazy Town and moved in with no plans to leave anytime soon...

So, I challenged myself with two questions: 1) when life gets tough, what are you running to for solace or rest, and 2) when you need to recharge, what do you fill up with?  Tough questions for sure!  It's easy to get swept up in the business of balancing spinning plates, but how does that business affect my spiritual life?  Am I growing closer to God in the midst of the chaos or farther away from Him, distracting me from abiding with my Savior?  Am I running to God for rest or am I relying on something else to sooth my soul after a long day's work?  These are big questions and it's important to take a step back and talk to myself... rather than listen to myself.  So, I challenge you to do the same.  When things start spinning out of control, ask yourself on what or whom you rely for strength, comfort, rest, and peace - if it's not God, then there's a problem. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Holden Beach

This weekend I had the privilege of celebrating my sorority sister's upcoming nuptials by spending a lovely weekend at Holden Beach.  I love any chance I get to travel to the beach - I'm a true beach girl at heart - and there were a couple of particularly wonderful moments when I was able to experience the beauty of the coast... here are two of my favorites:

On Saturday, my friend and I woke up at 6 am to watch the sun rise over the ocean.  I've always loved the peaceful beauty of sunrise at the beach:  soft waves lapping on the shore, swaying sea grass, lazy clouds, sleepy sand pipers, and a spectacular display of pinks, reds, and oranges that paint across the morning sky as the sun awakens from her slumber.  Take a look at the pictures below - pretty beautiful, huh?

On Sunday morning I woke up at 7 am to a thunderstorm rolling in from the west.  I jumped out of bed, brewed  a cup of coffee, and headed for the deck overlooking the saltwater marsh of the Intercoastal Waterway.  I love, love, love thunderstorms at the beach.  Protected by the porch, I watched the heavy clouds roll past with their booms of thunder and strikes of lightening.  Grays and greens mixed with the sounds of a summer storm - beauty beyond words.  I sipped my hot coffee as a flock of egrets took flight, moving to a safer ground from which they could ride out the storm.  As other birds and creatures hunkered down, I marveled at the beauty of the scene as the rain drops began to fall all around me.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Join Me in Supporting Ovarian Cancer Research!

Ovarian Walk

Dear Friends,

I recently signed up to participate in the Gail Parkins Memorial Ovarian Cancer Walk & 5K Run. My sorority sister, Kimberly, and I created Team HOOT (Hating On Ovarian Cancer Together) to celebrate our Moms who are both Ovarian Cancer survivors.  You can register for the 5K as a part of Team HOOT or make a tax deductible donation online that will support my personal fundraising efforts.    

As you know, my Mom was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in November 2011.  By the grace of God, the doctors quickly detected her aggressive tumors and proceeded with surgery and chemotherapy.  My Mom is my hero because she fought her battle with courage, perseverance, and hope, and I am so happy to say that she is on the road to recovery today!  I’ve never been much of a runner, but this 5K gives me the chance to demonstrate my love and support for my Mom while raising money and awareness for a disease that so often goes unnoticed.  Will you join me in celebrating my Mom and other brave women? 

Race Details:
Saturday September 8, 2012
7:00 am – registration opens
8:00 am – run starts 
Sanderson High School 
5500 Dixon Drive
Raleigh, North Carolina

Thanks so much for your support!  It’s meant the world to me over the last few months.  


Friday, August 3, 2012

Key Lime Pie: A Review

Good morning friends! It's Friday!!

Since this happy day is upon us, I thought I'd share a song with you that I'm pretty sure should be titled "Ode to Morgan" rather than "Key Lime Pie," although that is probably the second best title Kenny Chesney could have chosen.  Now, for those of you who don't know, I am a self-proclaimed key lime pie connoisseur.  Really.  I've tried the best of the best from all over the Caribbean and I can tell you that the winner issssss (insert drum roll).... "Key Lime Mouse" from a little restaurant on Grand Cayman called the Crow's Nest.  This delicious desesrt is proudly proclaimed by the maitre d' to be the absolute best - he's right - but his Caribbean accent makes mousse sound like mouse, and that's funny to me.  The Crow's Nest is a little hideaway outside of Georgetown (downtown) where you are served your lobster tail and coconut water (from the tree in the yard) on the back porch of a little Caribbean shack that sits right along the edge of the bay.  That is my happy place... with the moon shining down, the stars twinkling above, azure waves lapping the sand... Paradise. Perfection. And Key Lime Mouse.

So, now that you know where you're taking your next vacation, I can tell you why this tune should be called "Ode to Morgan."  In this song, Kenny (we're on a first name basis, didn't you know?) talks about big straw hats, the ocean breeze, a tire swing, coconuts, palm trees, yellow birds, bathing suits and t-shirts, full moons shining down on blue lagoons, big white sail boats, red sunsets, lobster tail....  and don't forget my, my, my - my key lime pie!  My favorite things all in one song!  I'm a beach girl at heart :)

So, kick your feet up on your desk, put on your sunglasses, lean back in your office chair, and enjoy this song that will surely transport you straight to the beaches of the Caymans.

Sunset in the Cayman Islands

Allyson and me with Guy Harvey in his studio in Georgetown. Just thought I'd post that one for fun!

Update:  I've found out via The Google that the Crown's Nest was destroyed by Hurricane Ivan in 2004 and the owners chose not to rebuild it...I'm SO SAD! 

Monday, July 30, 2012

A Lesson on Potting Soil

In Jesus's parable of the sower, we read about a farmer who desires to produce a great harvest by sowing many seeds across his land (Luke 8:1-15).  Unfortunately, we see that many of the seeds fall in places where the terrain is unfit for the seed to take root and flourish.  Some are scorched by the sun, others snatched up by birds or trampled by passersby, and still others are choked out by weeds (vs. 5-7).  It is the seeds that fall on the “good soil” that take root and are able to grow into a bountiful harvest.  Jesus reveals to us that “the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop” (Luke 8:15).  Therefore, the all-important question is:  which soil are you planted in?  
“…true spiritual fruit comes from getting swept up in intimate, loving encounters with Jesus Christ.  His love is the soil in which all the fruits of the Spirit grow.  When our roots abide there, then joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self-control grow naturally in our hearts.”
I love this quote from page 13 of Pastor JD Greear’s book Gospel:  Recovering the Power that Made Christianity Revolutionary – and I’m not just saying that because he’s my pastor at The Summit Church.  JD is a Spirit-filled teacher of the Word and I am so thankful for his leadership of our church and in our community.  In this quote, Pastor JD reminds us that we need to prayerfully examine the soil in which we find ourselves digging roots.  Think practically about this example.  If you plant yourself in the soil of bitterness, aren’t you going to bear bitter fruit?  Our roots will dig down in the bitter soil and draw up poison that will suck the life out of the plant.  It’s clear that any fruit produced will be poisoned – completely worthless and harmful for others.  Only by abiding in the love of Christ are we planted in His “good soil” full of beneficial nutrients, and from this soil we are enabled to bear the fruits of the Spirit as well as eternal fruit for God’s Kingdom!

As it is written in 1 Peter, “you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God… Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind” (1:23 and 2:1).  Examine your life.  Are you producing fruit that is not of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)?  

Is your life full of such things as malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander?  If so, you may be in one of two situations:

1) You may not be planted in the “good soil” of salvation freely given to us by the saving blood of Jesus Christ.  Whatever the case and circumstance might be for you, know that God desires that you would plant yourself in the life-giving soil of the gospel, which is the good news that Jesus Christ paid our sin-debt living the perfect life we could not live and dying the gruesome death we deserved to die.  Trust in His saving grace alone to be your nourishment and sustenance. (See Ephesians 2:1-10)

2) You may find yourself planted in the good soil but you are filling your life with sinful things that poison any fruit produced.  When we let our garden get over grown with sin, it is impossible to bear Spirit-filled fruit that comes naturally when we are abiding in Christ.  Prayerfully consider the root of your “bad fruit” and confess that sin to God.  Remember that there is nothing – no good works, no self-help books, no “to do” lists – that we can do to fix our own sin problem.  It is through Christ's work on the cross that God provided a way for us to abide with him in love and peace.  Trying to be more disciplined, watch less TV, listen to better music, gossip less, or plaster on a fake smile will only cause our hearts to run farther away from God and deeper into self-reliance.  We must abide in the love of Christ, resting in the knowledge that he has accomplished everything necessary for our salvation and there is nothing we can add to “tetelestai” - it is finished!

I am praying that you would find yourself planted in the only soil that gives abundant life, and that as you dig your roots deeper and deeper into the gospel of Jesus Christ, He would fill you with an inexpressible joy (1 Peter 1:8) and desire to know Him more.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Pray for India

Will you join me in praying for India today?

Video from Operation World India Prayercast

Make sure you check out my friends at Global Hope India as they engage the church around the world in order to empower the church in India for the advancement of the Gospel through church planting, village development, and child rescue.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Glorious Day

“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.”  - Thessalonians 4:16-17

Take a minute and let this soak in.  This is reality.  The day is coming!

I can only imagine what it will be like to see Jesus coming down from heaven with the trumpets sounding their  bold, victory cry.  In my mind I see glorious light shining all around as our Savior King returns to bring his children home.  Oh, to hear the voice of God calling the dead to awake and meet him in the sky (the sky!).  I can barely wrap my head around this scene as the living watch the once-dead rise from their graves stand with our Lord in the clouds and then, too, rise to join the heavenly multitude.  I just love the last line… “and so we will be with the Lord forever.”  What assurance, what hope, what joy!  As believers we wait expectantly in faith for this coming day, and what a glorious day it will be.  

When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration,
And then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!"

Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Living Every Day On Purpose

After getting home from my trip to Central Asia, I’ve been listening to The Seven, a sermon series by Mark Driscoll, pastor at MarsHill Church in Seattle, Washington, which explores the reactions of seven early churches to Jesus Christ.  The ancient ruins of these early churches are found in and around the country that I recently visited in Central Asia, and it has been so much fun to listen to sermons based on that beautiful place (you even get to see video footage filmed on location!).  It also gives me such great, joyful hope that God is drawing the people of that country back to himself, that those living in the place where it all began might one day worship the Most High God! 

In the first message, “The Revelation of Jesus,” Pastor Mark teaches on Revelation 1:1-8.  He provides an overview of the life of John, Jesus’s close friend and author of Revelation, and the ways in which John’s life continually pointed to Jesus.  Near the end of his message, he speaks to the fact that we are all in full-time ministry, not just those who are paid.  His words really encouraged me and challenged my view of what I am to do with my life on a daily basis, particularly at work and in my neighborhood:
“…You’re in full-time ministry. When you go to work, you’re going to work for Jesus, representing the kingdom of God. When you go love, serve, give, care, you’re going as an ambassador of the King of kings. You are in full-time ministry. You’re a kingdom of priests. When you’re home raising your kids, you’re doing so as a priest—someone who belongs to God and represents his kingdom and serves his cause.

Everything we do is meaningful. Everything we do is sacred. Everything we do is worshipful. Everything we do is missional. Everything we do is ministry. All of life for Jesus is the work of a priest in a sacred place doing a divine task. That’s you. Don’t look at what you do as something less than full-time ministry. Some of us get paid; some of us don’t. All of us who belong to Jesus are on mission, in ministry with him as servants. How’s it going?”


I am in awe of how our amazing God calls us into service no matter where we are or what we are doing.  What a transformative mindset to understand that literally everything we do is for the glory of God and should be viewed as missional.  What great purpose that realization gives even the most mundane days!  We are where we are on purpose.  We are who we are on purpose.  We know who we know on purpose.  We live where we live on purpose.  We shop where we shop on purpose.  We get coffee where we get coffee on purpose…. and so forth.  Each moment of our life is given to use as a divine appointment for the sole purpose of making God famous throughout all the earth – that includes your next-door neighbor and the guy in the cubicle next to you.  Everything is on purpose. 

God is not a God of “let’s try this and see how this goes…” No – the God I serve is a God of purpose and of planning.  He is a God who spoke words into the darkness and created light.    He is a God who knows the number of hairs on my head.  He is a God who delights to call me beloved daughter.  He is a God who knows how fast a hummingbird’s wings beat and provides the nectar for its nourishment.  He is a God who dries our tears and gives us hearts that overflow with joy.  He is a God who carved the majestic mountains and filled the seas with life-sustaining water.  He is a God who reins, holy upon his heavenly throne, surrounded by angels worshipping at his feet.  He is a God who humbled himself, becoming fully man so that he could die a horrific death on the cross to pay my sin-debt.  He is a God who cherishes the off-key songs of praise I sing.  He is a God who longs to call each person his child.  He is a God who creates, loves, protects, cares, comforts, guides, cherishes, delights, sympathizes, and sustains. He is God. 

I urge you to make each day an act of worship.  Don’t get lost in the drudgery of your 9-5:00 job or in the length of your “to do” list or in the demands placed upon you by life. Rest in God. Enjoy God. Abide with God. Share God with those around you, wherever you are.  Recognize each moment as a divine appointment given to you directly from God, and I promise that you will naturally change your tone, the words you use, the things you think, the way you spend your time, and the way you view each moment.  You will naturally share about God’s goodness in your life and the salvation he so freely offers to all who call him Lord.  We’re on a mission for God’s glory, and there is no other job I would rather have.  

For more on this topic, see my January 2011 post, Job Offer.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Happy Friday!!

"Guess why I smile a lot.  Uh, cause it's worth it."

Also, Marcel has his very own book! Check it out

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Boulder and the Toothpick

“If you place your faith on anything other than God it’s like placing a BOULDER on a TOOTHPICK.”

We all have faith in something that we believe will give us happiness, make us rich, make us smart, make us popular… that will save us.  Our faith has an enormous weight as we place hopes, dreams, fears, and desires upon the object of our affection. 

By way of illustration, let me provide a few examples.  A college student might place her faith in attending medical school, for surely that career path will provide a fat salary, which will of course lead to happiness.  Thinking that boys determine her value, a high school girl might put her faith in beauty, starving herself to achieve the “perfect” body that will finally attract the coveted attention of the cute boy in second period.  A mother might put her faith in raising perfect children, knowing that their behavior, abilities, and personalities are a reflection of her worth as a woman.  A career woman might put her faith in climbing the corporate ladder, dreaming of a bigger office and longer title that will prove her value as a professional.  The newlyweds might place their faith in the American Dream, buying new cars, purchasing a home over their budget, shopping for new gadgets and clothing, and taking extravagant vacations… only to find out that the American Dream is really the American Nightmare, which enslaves them to debt in the name of “bigger and better.”

You see where I’m going with this, right?  There is always something that is trying to capture your affections, something that promises to fulfill the desires of your heart.  And those desires tend to snowball out of control until we fall flat on our faces.  The things of this world can never, under any circumstances, sustain the sheer weight of your faith.  It will always let you down, failing to meet up to the expectations you set upon it.  You will never be fully satisfied in anything other than God.  He is the only one who can ultimately bear the weight of your faith, which was made perfect when Jesus Christ bore the weight of your cross, your sin, and your death on his shoulders.  Putting your faith in God means putting your faith in the One who can satisfy, who can bring joy, who can dry tears, who can provide, who can make you whole.  Rest in God and place the full weight of your faith on Him alone.  

The Zoo: An Update

Darcy still thinks he is good at hiding...

 He's also really excited to move into our new house! 

 Hobie taught Kale about the joys of a fan - you think he loves it??

Kale's hot and he knows it! #ElevateRDU

At the end of the day, our boys still love each other. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What I'm Thinking About Today...

I have been reading In This Place by Kim L. Abernethy, and today at lunch this passage jumped off the page at me.  I've been pondering the wisdom she offers and thinking about its practical implications in my life.  I'd love to hear your comments and reflections!

"I believe that even in Christian ministry, without taking it to the extreme of being selfish, we must be protective of our hearts, minds, souls, and bodies. 'Broken and spilled out for love of you, Jesus' is part of a song that has incited controversy on the left and right side of Christian service. If we completely are broken and spilled out, then there is nothing else to give later on. While that may be a true statement, perhaps there are times when broken and spilled out is exactly what God has planned for our lives and He must be the one to do the refilling. That is the key; it must be God’s will for us to be broken and spilled out. On the contrary, the pouring out and used up should not come from neglecting ourselves. It reaches to Him to either put us back together for further use in His kingdom or take us into our eternal rest. That is entirely His call. There are no kudos for overwhelming our bodies and minds because it makes us feel better to do so.  On the other hand, if we are so protective of ourselves and what God has given us, how can we ever be effective to do the things that matter for eternity’s sake? We have example after example in the Bible of men and women who simply allowed God to use them–very small, seemingly insignificant people, to do very big, significant things for Him! The point needs to be made: a perpetually off-balance scale will wear out quickly just as an off-balance life and ministry will. Lesson learned: take time, take a break, and understand your limitations. And be honest with yourself about the needs that you feel are taking front row. Selfishness or genuine need? Only the Holy Spirit can separate the confusion between the two. If you follow His leading, you will be better off for it....and so will your ministry!"

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

So Much More to Come

This weekend, I had the privileged of hearing an incredible sermon on death and suffering by former Summit Church member, Trevor Atwood, who is now the lead planter and pastor of City Church in Murfreesboro, TN.   In the span of this short post, all I can do is tell you what an amazing, game-changing sermon this was and beg you to listen to it for yourself.
“If your trust is in the God that has overcome [death] in your place, then death and suffering are just the worst that can happen.  This is as close to hell as you will ever get.  But if your trust is in yourself or someone else to solve your problem of sin, and pain, and death – to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, to work hard enough, to be good enough – then death and suffering represent the foretaste of something much worse, and this is as close to Heaven as you will ever get… Trust Jesus, believe that He took your place when He died to give you life that you don’t deserve, and live like it’s true.” – Trevor Atwood 
How encouraging to think that this - this beautiful, crazy Earth - is as close to hell as I will ever get!  On one hand, the pain and suffering we experience because of sin's curse makes me long for the day when our tears will all be wiped away  by the tender, nail-scarred hand of Jesus (Revelation 21:4).  The day is coming!  And, on the other hand, experiencing the incredible beauty and joy of this world gives me a glimpse of the marvelous things to come when God calls me home - it's beyond what I can grasp.  What hope we have to know that there is more than what we see, feel, and experience on this Earth!  Oh to live in light of this truth everyday!
- - - - -

And they sang a new song, saying, “Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.” Then I looked, and I heard around the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels, numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, saying, “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!” Revelation 5:9-13

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Heavenly Citizenship

I hope y'all had a wonderful 4th of July!

As I celebrated America's birthday yesterday, I spent some time reflecting on nationality and citizenship.  I'm so very thankful for the freedoms, liberties, privileges, and many blessings that God has blessed me with as a woman living in America.  I've seen what it looks like to live in other countries where those treasures are scarce and hardship abounds, and I began to pray that God would make me a faithful steward of those gifts. I have been given so many opportunities to make God's name famous - oh, to share my blessings with others and not hoard them for myself!  In reflecting on my earthly nationality, I was reminded that my true citizenship lies in Heaven.  I am so thankful that God has given us fellowship with global believers that transcends time.  I am untied with my brothers and sisters in Christ no matter our geography, skin color, or heart language - we are one in Christ and together we will worship our King Jesus one day!

I'm reminded of this video from Passion 2012, Chris Tomlin's "How Great Is Our God."  Fun fact:  when this performance took place (both live in Georgia and streaming online), "how great is our God" was the #1 trending topic in the WORLD on Twitter. Yes, in the world.  So exciting to know that folks were worshiping all over the world at the same time!  This, to me, is truly a glimpse of what Heaven will be like.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Service: The Deliberate Love-Gift

We love because we have been deeply loved; 
therefore we serve because we have been greatly served. 
"Service is the overflow which pours from a life filled with love and devotion. But strictly speaking, there is no call to that. Service is what I bring to the relationship and is the reflection of my identification with the nature of God. Service becomes a natural part of my life. God brings me into the proper relationship with Himself so that I can understand His call, and then I serve Him on my own out of a motivation of absolute love. Service to God is the deliberate love-gift of a nature that has heard the call of God. Service is an expression of my nature, and God’s call is an expression of His nature. Therefore, when I receive His nature and hear His call, His divine voice resounds throughout His nature and mine and the two become one in service. The Son of God reveals Himself in me, and out of devotion to Him service becomes my everyday way of life." - Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest 
So, here's the big question:  have you signed up for ServeRDU 2012 yet?  This is a week of local outreach to serve our city, and there are many projects that need volunteers during the week of July 11-14th.  You can watch the promo video that has more information about ServeRDU by clicking here.

This is a great opportunity to invest in our community, serving in the name of Jesus out of the overflow of the love that He generously bestowed upon us.  Let this week of hope blossom into a relationship and on-going commitment to serve "the least of these" as we make God's name famous around RDU.  Join me!

UPDATE:  I just came across this Oswald Chambers quote and thought it might add a nice follow-up to my previous post:
"The lasting value of our public service for God is measured by the depth of the intimacy of our private times of fellowship and oneness with Him." - My Utmost for His Highest, July 5th devotional 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Lessons from Katie

"We can live a full life wherever we are – even in the days that seem too small – when we live in communion with the Savior. We look up, praise on our lips, and as we worship Him for all He has done our hearts open wide to more. We wait, expectant, for all that He is doing, and this is it, this is life to the fullest." 

And, if you haven't read Kisses from Kaite, I'm not sure what you're waiting for... get to it!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

"The heavens declare the glory of God; 
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 
Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge. 
They have no speech, they use no words;
    no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
    their words to the ends of the world."

Psalm 19:1-4

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Piece of My Heart

Most of you know that I was recently fortunate enough to spend some time overseas.  After a wonderful time on my trip, I prepared to return home, packing my suitcase and double checking that everything was secured for the journey.  After a long day of flying, I made it safely back with my suitcase ("Big Bertha") and all of my carry-on items (my hand-painted tea set even made it without breaking!).
However, as it turns out, not everything made it home with me.  It seems that I actually left something important behind... a piece of my heart.  

After spending time exploring the beautiful cities and countrysides, learning some of the language, sampling the delicious foods, drinking tea, shopping in the colorful bazaars, making sweet new friends, and meeting so many hospitable people, it's hard to not miss everything about the country.

But, despite the beauty and rich culture, a cloud of darkness hovers over the land as so, so many people have yet to acknowledge Christ as Savior.  The dominant religion is based on dutiful works and diligent deeds and it permeates every bit of society.  All around, the snowy mountains, azure seas, and lush trees cry out for the glory of God, but the people seek a false religion that has hardened their hearts to  salvation found only in Jesus.  Their lostness isn't any different or worse than our own lostness, but the vast scale of the collective rejection of the cross creates a palpable heaviness in the air.  

"For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good."  - Titus 2:11-14

When I was overseas, God gave me these verses in Titus as comfort for my burdened heart and confirmation that he desires to call each and every person his child - no matter the darkness or lostness of the country.  The barriers seem gigantic to us, but our God is bigger than any obstacle.  His loving passion can break through even the darkest night to bring light to the lost.  I am so thankful for those who are bravely taking His love to the nations.  A revolution is rising up; there is so much hope and joy waiting to burst forth.  I anxiously await and celebrate that coming day!

His love is deep, His love is wide and it covers us
His love is fierce, His love is strong, it is furious
His love is sweet, His love is wild
And it's waking hearts to life.
"Furious" by Jeremy Riddle

So, for now a piece of my heart remains overseas with those beautiful people, and I pray earnestly for the furious love of God to break loose in their hearts.  

Monday, June 11, 2012

You Make Me Beautiful

I love the way God takes our brokenness and makes it into something beautiful.  Despite our sin, He calls us sons and daughters of the Most High and invites us into fellowship with himself.  In fact, God is most gloried and exalted through our weakness as we rely on his strength, provision, and grace rather than our own ability.  In that place of total reliance and surrender, my heart finds complete satisfaction, contentment, joy, and rest.  As His lovingkindness washes anew over me every morning, I am thankful that I can live each day in full knowledge of the mercy of my Savior.

Cause I am a sinner 
If its not one thing its another
Caught up in words 
Tangled in lies 
You are the Savior 
And you take brokenness aside
And make it beautiful 

Lord, thank you for making me beautiful. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Lyrical Waves

Love. This. Song. I pray that you enjoy the lyrics and let these images of God wash over you.  If you're interested, here is a blog post by the artist that explains a bit about the song. 

"I've Seen I Am," by Jonathan David Helser

I’ve looked into the eyes of a lion
Felt the courage in his gaze
I heard him roar my name with
Passion as I buried my tears in His mane
I’ve looked into the eyes of a lamb
I saw love face to face
I felt grace destroy my sin
As mercy flowed from his veins

I’ve seen I AM
Now I know that I am loved
I’ve seen I AM now I know who I am

I’ve looked into the eyes of a king
Saw the beauty of holiness
I heard the voice of many waters
As worship poured from my lips
I’ve looked into the eyes of a Saviour
Saw love stronger than death
I kissed the scars that bought me freedom
As I laid my head on his chest

Thursday, June 7, 2012

A City Love

Well folks, I had an amazing time in Seattle!  I was so fortunate to have the opportunity to wing my way to the west coast for work last week and even more fortunate to have some time to explore the Emerald City!  Great food, friendly people, and beautiful scenery.  Here are a few of the highlights from my trip, in no particular order:

  • Exploring busy Pike Place Market with a coffee from the original Starbucks in hand
  • Looking out over Puget Sound from the top of the Space Needle
  • Listening to Harrison Ford narrate the King Tut exhibit at the Pacific Science Center
  • Vigilantly watching out for McDreamy, Fraiser, Sam Baldwin, Edward Cullen, and Mark Driscoll
  • Singing along with Captain Zawacko on the Seattle Duck tour as we drove by the city's best sights and then plunged into Lake Union to see the gorgeous skyline, Gas Works park, and the Sleepless in Seattle houseboat
  • Wondering around the flagship Nordstrom store and drooling over the Kate Spade selection
  • Bringing the sunshine with me from the east coast (it didn't rain while I was there!)
 Downtown Seattle from the top of the Space Needle

The Seattle skyline from Lake Union

The Bainbridge Island ferry boat crossing Puget Sound